

Textbooks Textbooks Bundled with Palisade Software Palisade Software is a Key Component of Many College Textbooks Used at top business schools worldwide, over 60,000 students per year are learning Palisade software through college coursework. The following books...

Why Analyzing Suboptimal Decisions is Important

A Purchasing Strategy Example Palisade’s PrecisionTree software allows you to analyze the probabilities of different outcomes, and their impacts, in sequential, multi-stage decisions. The decision trees in PrecisionTree show the probabilities of these outcomes...


Services Risk Training and Modeling to Fit Your...
Calculation of Pi using Simulation and Other Approximations

Calculation of Pi using Simulation and Other Approximations

Just for fun, here we talk about using Monte Carlo simulation to estimate the value of π (3.14159…). A circle of radius one will have area equal to π, and a square drawn around that circle will have area 4. When centered at the origin the circle has the equation...