

Textbooks Textbooks Bundled with Palisade Software Palisade Software is a Key Component of Many College Textbooks Used at top business schools worldwide, over 60,000 students per year are learning Palisade software through college coursework. The following books...

Why Analyzing Suboptimal Decisions is Important

A Purchasing Strategy Example Palisade’s PrecisionTree software allows you to analyze the probabilities of different outcomes, and their impacts, in sequential, multi-stage decisions. The decision trees in PrecisionTree show the probabilities of these outcomes...

Academic Offerings

Academic Offerings Palisade Software for Teaching and Research Start Trial Buy Now Options for Professors, Students, and Researchers Resources Video Brochure Trial Case Studies Webinars Models Join Over 60,000 Students per Year The DecisionTools Suite is the complete...

Some Best Practice Principles in Excel Modelling

This blog briefly posts some fairly standard (but not fully accepted, and more often simply not implemented!) “best practice principles” in Excel modelling. A later blog discusses a related topic as to whether risk modelling (when building Monte Carlo simulation...