DecisionTools Suite

DecisionTools Suite

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DecisionTools Suite

Why Analyzing Suboptimal Decisions is Important

A Purchasing Strategy Example Palisade’s PrecisionTree software allows you to analyze the probabilities of different outcomes, and their impacts, in sequential, multi-stage decisions. The decision trees in PrecisionTree show the probabilities of these outcomes...
DecisionTools Suite

Monte Carlo Simulation as a Force for Good

CEO Message by Randy Heffernan Many who have been exposed to Monte Carlo simulation learned about it in the context of financial modeling such as asset management, cash flow analysis, or actuarial study.  And that’s with good reason: The applications of Monte Carlo...
DecisionTools Suite

Capital Budgeting: Rational Outsourcing Decision in VoIP Projects

According to a recent Harvard Business School study, higher IT capability directly correlates with superior revenue growth. Nearly all IT managers (at more than 150 large enterprises) surveyed for the study said they plan to increase outsourcing, particularly in the...