What are Real Options?

What are Real Options?

Real options are the flexibilities that are inherent in general business or other decision situations. In general, a real option is present in any decision situation involving a decision-chance-decision sequence; the possibility to (at the second decision) select from...
Why Use Decision Tree Analysis – Part II

Why Use Decision Tree Analysis – Part II

This is a continuation of Part I in this series on Decision Tree Analysis. Life is full of tough choices. Most of us muddle through them using best guesses and gut feelings. But have you ever wondered if there might be a more sophisticated way to make decisions? Many...
DecisionTools Suite

DecisionTools Suite

DecisionTools Suite Make Decisions with Confidence Start Trial Buy...
DecisionTools Suite

Why Analyzing Suboptimal Decisions is Important

A Purchasing Strategy Example Palisade’s PrecisionTree software allows you to analyze the probabilities of different outcomes, and their impacts, in sequential, multi-stage decisions. The decision trees in PrecisionTree show the probabilities of these outcomes...